Friday, June 10, 2011

Pearls in the Sand.

I wrote this around the end of last year or so. It is, simply, about temptation. Excellent, no; thought-provoking, I hope so.

Pearls In The Sand

By Joel D. Garner

I sighed, looking at the window as I lay in bed. it had been a rather unpleasant day. The day before had been full of much hardship as well, but also victories. I was so tired of constant attack, oppression, yet it was what I had asked for. For how else does one become meet for the Master's use if he does not take His choicest gifts - His pain, His trials, His hurts, given to us by Him to draw us close.

Shifting my position somewhat, I closed my eyes once more, finally for the last time. Sleep, sleep, precious sleep, at last, after a hard, trying day.

I awoke quickly as I heard the wind howling loudly, sending sand all around me. "Sand?" I muttered. "What?"

I brushed myself off as I stood up, my eyes partially closed due to painful sand-blasts. I began walking aimlessly, knowing I should but not knowing exactly why I should. With my left arm in front of my face, I stumbled around for a few minutes, until, finally, a man in a white robe appeared.

"Greetings, Knight-Prince," he greeted, smiling. It was none other than the angel Gabriel.

"Gabriel!" I exclaimed. "How nice to see you. What I doing here?"

"The Lord wants to show you something," he replied. "Come! I will take you to a field of pearls."

Puzzled, I nodded as we teleported to another part of the parched desert.

"Here we are," the angel announced, waving his arm out over the landscape.

"What are those men doing?" I inquired, nodding at the many men walking throughout the sandy field.

"They are going through life, as are you," he answered. "Oh, and whatever you do...Do not, I repeat, do not reach for the tempting pearls. Now, come - we will look around some."

I followed him slowly, looking around at the men, who were oblivious to our presence, and at the many pearls scattered all over the place.

"Gabriel - what do the pearls represent? They are very beautiful. Yet, there are others that resemble a ball of rock."

"They represent the deceptive pearls of sin and the precious pearls of righteousness," he responded solemnly. "Look! A man has just fallen for the schemes of the enemy."

A nearby man shouted jubilantly, and threw himself upon the sand, digging his hands into the grains. However, all of the beautiful pearls turned into sand themselves, and the man joy quickly turned to anguish.

"The devil is very cunning, as our his cohorts. Though...many times, your flesh is all it takes."

"Yes," I agreed. "I know all too well..."

He looked at me, and placed both hands on my shoulders. "Knight-Prince, time is short. You MUST yield to the Master, you MUST resist the world, flesh and the devil! Satan hates you with a passion, and he will do ANYTHING to do destroy you! Do not let him! Do not take the pearls of sin! Choose the pearls of righteousness! Choose the pearls of righteousness!"

And then I woke up.

And, there it is. I hope it made you think. Thanks for reading, and God bless.
In Christ,
Joel Garner ><>.
2 Chronicles 7:14; Romans 5:8.


  1. Good stuff. It is thought provoking indeed.

  2. Thanks, glad you enjoyed it.

    Now I just have to listen to it.

  3. Interesting and unique. Perhaps the most poignant for my personal experiences at present..."The day before had been full of much hardship as well, but also victories. I was so tired of constant attack, oppression, yet it was what I had asked for. For how else does one become meet for the Master's use if he does not take His choicest gifts - His pain, His trials, His hurts, given to us by Him to draw us close."

  4. Hi Josh, thanks for stopping by. I'm glad it was a blessing.
