Hey guys, just wanted to offer a big thanks. I'm not sure how many of you are actually out there who don't technically "follow" as in you don't click the magic little button there on the sidebar, but I know there's a considerably fair amount of you guys there too.
Anyway, I wanted to say a big thanks to anyone who has read and commented on the work we do here and my writing in particular. As you may note, my latest story "Mother Dearest" was published 41 or so hours ago. It has now reached a grand total of 101 downloads. That may not seem like much really, but please take into consideration that nobody really knows who I am or what I write and I have done virtually no marketing here. For a little perspective, "Merchandise" has been up for 17 days now and is holding strong at 106 downloads. That's a big change in downloads and I owe it to you guys and God.
I just wanted to say a big thanks for your support, and thank you for reading this blog. God of course is the only One responsible for these numbers, so I would ask that you join me in praising him for this. Aside from that, all I can say is Soli Deo Gloria.
Download "Mother Dearest" here.
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